
data lakes, data warehouses
reporting solutions

Useful business intelligence

Up-to-date and timely database reporting can highlight trends and patterns. But, creating real-time and relevant reports can be difficult and time consuming. If you have specific needs, we can build bespoke reports. We can also help you manipulate, visualize and analyze data in a way that gives greater insight and helps you make better business decisions.

Custom made reports

Our team of report specialists can build any type of report for our customers, in addition to our regular monitoring reports. We can collate millions of data rows into over 600 informational (BI) reports for you. We have expertise in multiple reporting environments including MicroStrategy©, Business Objects©, Crystal Reports, Microsoft© Reporting Services and many more.

We can also integrate any kind of report into your existing reporting environment. For example, if you want to deploy a complete reporting server into your IT environment, that’s no problem. Alternatively, we can deploy your report into our Hosted Reporting system at minimal cost.

Cost reduction reports

On request, we provide a comprehensive report on potential cost reductions in your IT environment. You will not lose any quality or other benefits that you already have.

Incident reports

Our service desk can track, register and automatically report on database incidents.

Service level agreement (SLA) reports

Monthly SLA reports will help you understand the uptime percentage of your databases.


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